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I am always looking for any information or parts for 1914 Apperson Jackrabbit.
Build by my Grandfather Hubert (Dingbat) Wagner and his brothers Joe and Paul. They owned Wagner Auto Parts in Kokomo IN.

I had a fan failure and it went into the radiator. I was able to get the radiator fixed locally since it was just nicked in three or four placed but need help on the fan.
Update I have the fan back and installed on the Apperson and it is running again. I also got a call several months ago from the granddaughter of the gentleman who found the Apperson in the 50's running a lathe in Michigan. She was kind enough to send me photos of the car from the 50's and 60's. She also told me some of the history and tours her grandfather had been on. I had met her Grandfather in the late 70's when we had the car in a mall display and purchased some things from him including a duster and gloves, much to her surprise. Her Mother and father rode in the car on there wedding day in 1956. Their 55th wedding anniversary will be in 2011 and she has asked me to bring the car for them to ride in again. It will be a surprise they do not know she found the car. I plan on taking it if at all possible. I think it will be fun and I will get to meet the family of the person who found the car and saved it. If not for him it would most likely be gone. Thanks to Lawrence a rare car was saved and it has allowed me the privilege of continuing to do so.
Not my engine but this is what they look like. This one appears to have the support legs cut off and a distributor and it should have a magneto which is there but not hooked up. Engine number and manufacture date is stamped on them.