1914 Apperson Jackrabbit Wooldridge Family History

Nebraska Apperson Pictures

The pictures say more that I can. WOW!!! Old car nuts heaven. What a collection and privilege to be able to wander around the field and see the cars especially the 1914 Apperson's. I got pictures of things I had questions about on my Apperson thanks to Lindley and his family. I also want to thank his daughter Jeanne and son John for making it possible for me to meet Lindley and give him a ride in my Apperson and wander around the farm and see all the cars he has.

Lindley had both knees replaced. I hope he is on the way back to recovering.

  • Lindley Kessler Lindley Kessler Gresham Nebraska, (if you blink you will miss the town). Lindley Kessler riding in a car he helped keep on the road. He loaned me parts that I needed for the starter system and spare tire brackets, all of which I was able to get cast and use on my car. Along with the advice and input about Apperson, from Lindley my car will be on the road many more years.
  • 1913 Apperson 1913 Apperson A restored 1913 Apperson.
  • Kessler Farm Kessler Farm One of the buildings filled with old car parts.
  • Kessler Farm Old Car Nuts Heaven Kessler Farm Old Car Nuts Heaven What a thrill to be able to wander around his field and look at all the cars. I was in heaven for old car nuts. Apperson is in the center of the picture
  • 1914 Apperson 1914 Apperson One of the three Apperson's Lindley has two 4 cylinder and one 6 cylinder. He also parts two later V-8 Apperson's.
  • Kessler Farm Kessler Farm More of the building on his farm.
  • Buick Sign Buick Sign One of the signs on his farm.

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Lasted updated: Saturday July 25, 2015 3:19 PM